| 1. | Students aged 21 or above who do not meet the admission requirements specified but have demonstrated capacity to pursue the programme are eligible to apply for admission 年满21岁而未能符合上述入学要求的学员亦可报读,惟学员必须具备完成课程之能力。 |
| 2. | Mature applicants at the age of 21 or above without the above minimum admission requirements but with a demonstrated capacity to pursue the programme are eligible to apply 如学员年满21岁或以上,但未能符合上述之入学要求而具备完成课程之能力仍可报读。 |
| 3. | Mature applicants at the age of 21 or above who do not meet the above minimum admission requirements but with a demonstrated capacity to pursue the programme are eligible to apply for admission 年满21岁而未能符合上述入学要求之人士亦可报读。学员须具备完成课程之能力。 |
| 4. | Mature applicants aged 21 or above with a demonstrated capacity to pursue the programme are eligible to apply for admission . applicants may need to attend an interview if so required 年满21岁或以上而不符合课程指定入学要求的学员亦可报读,惟学员必须显示具备完成课程之能力。 |
| 5. | Mature applicants at the age of 21 or above who do not meet the minimum admission requirements specified above but who have demonstrated capacities to pursue the programme are eligible to apply for admission 申请入读本课程之人士需要参加面试,并于报名时呈交个人设计作品集如有。所有入学申请将由入学遴选委员会作出审核及选出入选名单。 |